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LDV Pilot towing a caravan??

LDV-vans blog


  1. Hola!!

    I am new to this blog or to the world of blogging altogether... So, please excuse my innocence and mistakes.
    I love Pilot vans for I believe they were one of the few remaining pieces of truly British engineering; the end of an era... In a globalized world designers and makers do not take risks and therefore all models of vehicles are so similar that they are basically the same dog with different collar.
    LDV are the left handed, the exotic, the weird black sheep of the herd. Bravo for it then!
    I want to become a proud pilot owner to carry 5 people; but before that I have to take a look on the overall cost of the operation (and persuade my wife too) and being Spanish does not help me to understand the law regarding modifications and insurance. I hope you can help me with it and here are my few questions:
    - Need to decide whether to buy a panel van (and put some windows on sliding door and side) , buy a minibus version (which I prefer, for I might not touch anything inside, apart from removing 3 / 4 and use it as a day camper, carrying a mattress and a kitchenette inside) or lastly and not to keen on it, opt for an already registered ldv camper van (which spoils the fun of making it your own way)
    The questions are:
    If I buy the panel van -> Can I put additional seats on the van? Would I have problems with the insurance or DVLA?
    If I buy the minibus (9 seats) -> Can I re-register the van for less seats (5), so the insurance cost is not a small fortune?

    I could probably go for a 6 seater ex-royal mail van, but I am afraid it might be a wreckage...

    Thank you in advance for your information and congratulations on your blog.

    David Pollan

  2. Hi David and thanks for posting.
    I'd recommend you to have a try asking the folks up on one of the facebook groups listed above - they are great help and quick as well. There also is our LDV forum (if you are not facebooked) that contains a lot of infos such as what you are looking fo


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